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to the world of digital currencies

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In line with our values, we reject any collaboration with russian services or ruble-based exchangers.

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How do I make an exchange?


Choose a direction

Choose the currency you want to exchange and receive


Find the best rate

Use our aggregator to find the best exchange rates to make the most profitable exchange for you


Perform the exchange

Choose an exchanger based on our reputation ratings and user reviews. Use the direct link to the exchanger's website for a secure and profitable exchange

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Why us?


We’ve gathered all essential crypto tools and resources on one platform—whether you’re looking for top exchanges, wallets, trending swaps, or Tap-to-Earn products. Even if you’re not yet acquainted with some of them, Kursoff will guide you through this journey.


Kursoff ensures all exchanges are carefully evaluated before being connected to our platform. We analyze the data closely and perform anonymous test transactions to offer accurate information about the exchange experience.


Kursoff is the first crypto startup in Ukraine, uniting a powerful community of like-minded people and providing unique opportunities for both beginners and professionals in the crypto industry.

Kursoff is a unique Ukrainian startup, free from russian impact 🇺🇦

We strive to unite Ukrainians into a one crypto community. On our platform, you’ll find all the tools and resources needed to learn, earn, and exchange cryptocurrencies, as well as gain a deeper understanding of the crypto industry.

Join us and be at the forefront of crypto innovation with Kursoff!